Sunday 13 January 2013



a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organizationalegislature, a club, or other group. Compare concurrent resolutionjoint resolution.
a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.
the act or process of resolving or separating into constituent or elementary parts.

     I was quite tempted to use "resolve" instead but seeing as that is a force quite core to my being I'll stave off for a better time.

     Those resolutions I spoke of? Yeah, I'll be going through them here. It's one of those posts. One way or the other I'll be listing them, going through them, and systematically explaining where it came from and why it's important to me.

     Shall we?

1. Take the Math Placement Test.
     I am in my fifth year of university. By all rights I should have my degree by now--indeed I could have if I wanted to play it that way, but there are a lot of reasons why I haven't and don't want to do that just yet. The MPT is the gate and key to science courses. I love science. I'm a nerd, a geek, and have always excelled at sciences.
     To boast: I've always done great at sciences. In grade school I'd theorize units we hadn't covered yet--correctly--and come up with my own equations. I'd frig off until exams, at which point I would make up equations on the spot to complete the test. I once got halfway through a 2000 level physics final exam before realizing it was the 3000 level public exam. And to top the cake? I've gotten 100s on exams before. Sciences are where I excel.
     To depreciate: I am an Arts student. I just registered for Medieval Studies 3000 (Women Writers). In the first class the professor gave everyone a cue card to list some basic information, such as year, majors, and minors. For "Major" I wrote down English, History, Medieval Studies, and Classics. For minors I wrote Sociology and Russian. Everything I have done has been in the arts because I love the arts. I am a writer and submerse myself in art that I cannot help but painfully appreciate, yet I have never achieved higher than a 75 in any course. I have only broken the 70 barrier thrice.
     Wow this is longer than expected: There's a lot of self loath there. To claim to be an artist, and be submerged in art, and be an utter failure at it. But I can't be, can I? People enjoy my work so I can't be. But I still fail. And I'll never understand why, I don't think. Either way, the sciences, I miss them. I'd like to take at least one post secondary course, and the MPT is the gate and key to that.

2. Get some sort of degree/qualification/certificate.
     Pretty self explanatory. See above. I've been here way too long to still be empty handed. I'll have a degree or something by the new year.

3. Take a Comp Sci course.
     How many people, in this day and age, can say that when they were a nerdy, geeky child they wanted to grow up and be a programmer, or work with computers. With my lack of sciences, and involvement in web-businesses I think this sort of thing could help me out a lot.

4. Get 5 new members in any combination of CreW/DISC/MG who were previously strangers.
     I feel like I need to really get down to business and start really working towards the things I'm involved in. The Creative Writing society (CreW), the Disability Information and Support Centre (DISC), and Studious Gaming (MG). But it's a cop out when someone I know is a new member. Whose to say they're there for the content as opposed to the relation? 

5. Exercise an average of twice weekly on 25 different weeks.
     Wouldn't that mean once weekly in the year? Nope! Sometimes things just come up and certain weeks can't be counted. 25 separate weeks is all I care about because I don't particularly care about my weight. I've made a decision to cosplay a character and need to lose a bit of weight by then. It's not a problem for me, I just do a few situps and the body goes "Oh, you're trying to lose weight? Sure, no prob" and presto. I'm pretty sure that's not how it works for most people, but it works for me.

There's 25 of these suckers. and with the length of the first one I'll stave off for a bit before posting again.

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