Sunday 6 January 2013


new  [noo, nyoo] adjective
1. of recent origin, production, purchase, etc.; having but lately come or been brought into being: a new book.
2. of a kind now existing or appearing for the first time; novel: a new concept of the universe.
3. having but lately or but now come into knowledge: a new chemical element.
4. unfamiliar or strange (often followed by to  ): ideas new to us; to visit new lands.
5 .having but lately come to a place, position, status, etc.: a reception for our new minister.

Well lovelies, It's a new year. It's a new semester and a new life for sure.  It took me awhile but I relented and jotted down some (25) resolutions in the style of my buddy, Angus.

Of those resolutions was to get back into blogging. I have a lot of rants and tirades from day to day but never find them time to write them down, or care enough to remember them for another day. That's where you come in, oh dear blog of mine! I'll be shaming myself here often, what with all the wading I'll be doing, right into the controversial debates on some facet of libterty or what not. I get angry at stupid people. It's why I'm a writer. 

So bare with me, readers, and I'll bear with you as we barrel through 2013.

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